Training your doggo can be a fun and rewarding experience for both of you. Training your dog can help you not just inculcate obedience in your dog but also help build a trust and bond with your little one. However, it's important to start with the basics and gradually move on to more advanced commands as your dog becomes more comfortable with the training process. This list of 23 essential commands will help you get started!
Essentials for dog training
It is important to understand tools that can be used for training your doggo. So what are the ways to teach your dog tricks without being mean to it?
A clicker: Your dog is informed what the intended behavior is via the sound marker. Every click should be followed by a reward.
Dog treats: Treats ought to be a priority item on your puppy purchasing list. Our dogs enjoy eating. Every time they complete a trick, treat them to a tasty treat to speed up training.
Tricks to teach your dog
There are a number of tricks that you can teach your dog, depending on their level of obedience. Once your dog has mastered these commands, you can move on to more advanced tricks such as fetching, playing dead, and rolling over:
One of the most essential commands you can teach your dog is "come." This command is important for recall, and can help keep your dog safe in a variety of situations. "Come" can be used when your dog is off leash and you need them to come to you, or if they are about to do something that could be dangerous.
Start by getting your dog's attention with a treat or toy. Once they are looking at you, give the command "come" in a firm, but friendly voice. As your dog starts to come towards you, praise them and give them the treat. If they don't come towards you, try using a leash to guide them to you. Once they get to you, praise them again and give them the treat. With practice, your dog will learn to respond to the "come" command even when they are not on a leash.
This command is helpful in many situations, such as when you're greeting guests or when you want your dog to be calm and not jump up. Start by getting your dog's attention with a treat or toy. Once your dog is looking at you, say the command "sit" and then gently push down on your dog's hind end. As your dog starts to sit, give them the treat or toy. Repeat this process until your dog constantly sits when you give the command.
This is a very important command for keeping your dog safe, as it can prevent them from running into the street or getting into other dangerous situations. Have your dog sit or lie down, then put your hand in front of their face and gradually step back while saying the word "stay." Try waiting after each step and handing them a treat if they stay put.
It is important to continue practicing this command with your dog, even after they seem to have mastered it. Dogs can get distracted easily, so it's important to keep up with their training. With patience and practice, your dog will soon be a pro at staying put!
Potty training is one of the most important and the first things you can do for your dog. It is also one of the easiest things to do if you take the time to do it right. There are a few things you need to keep in mind when potty training your dog. First, you need to be consistent. You need to take your dog out at the same time every day and give him plenty of opportunities to go potty. The most important thing to remember when potty training your dog is that accidents will happen. Do not punish your dog if he has an accident.
5.Ring the bell
This command is used to train your dog to ring a bell when they need to go outside. This is a great way to communicate with your dog when they need to go potty. Using training treats would definitely help as a positive reinforcement.
Playing is an important part of a dog's life and can be a great way to bond with your pet. It is also a good way to provide mental and physical stimulation. When playing with your dog, make sure to use appropriate toys and avoid using anything that could be harmful. Playing can also be used as a form of training. Playing is also a great way to socialize your dog. It’s also always a good idea shower some much needed Dogsee mini- puffy treats after an exhausting play session.
7.Lay down
This command is essential for several reasons, it is a good way to get your dog to settle down if they are being too hyper or rowdy. Teaching your dog how to "lay down" is relatively simple. Start by having your dog sit or stand in front of you. Then, give the command "lay down," and with the treat in hand point to the ground with your hand. Once your dog starts to crouch down and lie down, praise them and give them a treat. With some practice, your dog will learn this command quickly and be able to execute it perfectly.
This command is used to get your dog to stop barking. It is important to teach your dog this command so that you can have a peace of mind in public places and at home.
9.Let go
This command can be helpful in many situations, such as if the dog is holding onto something that is harmful or if the dog needs to let go of something in order to obey another command. Teaching this command is fairly simple, start with the dog holding onto a toy or treat. The owner then says "let go" and takes the item away from the dog. The dog should be praised for obeying the command. Another way to teach this command is to have the dog hold onto a leash while the owner walks away. The owner then says "let go" and the dog should release the leash. Again, praise should be given when your dog obeys the command.
The "find" command is used to direct your dog to locate something specific. For example, you could say "find your toy" or "find the remote control." This is a good command to use if your dog is getting into things that they shouldn't. Start by placing treats at different parts of your house and asking your dog to find it. Once they do find it you can shower them with praises or more treats.
11.Open & close doors
The "open" command is a very basic but essential command that every dog should know. This command is used to open doors, gates, and other barriers. It is also used to open drawers, cabinets, and other containers. The "open" command can be a very helpful command for owners who want their dogs to be able to perform simple tasks like opening a door or getting a toy out of a drawer. You can try and show your dog how to open/ close a door or set up a mauver that they would just have to pull or push to open / close a door.
12.Give paw
Teaching your dog to "give paws" is relatively simple. Start by having your dog sit or stand in front of you. Show them a treat and say the command "give paw." As they reach for the treat with their paw, give them the treat and praise them. Repeat this process until they are consistently giving you their paw on command.
Hi-5 is a super fun trick to teach your dog. Similar to teaching your dog to "give paw" is relatively simple. Start by having your dog sit or stand in front of you. Show them a treat and say the command "give paw." As they reach for the treat with their paw, give them the treat and praise them. Repeat this process until they are consistently giving you their paw on command.
Get your dog to jump up on their hind legs. This is a good way to get their energy out and have some fun. Hold a treat up high and try to get them to reach for it, starting from a fairly low point and working your way higher up.
Fetch is a great game to play with your dog because it helps to tire them out both mentally and physically. It also helps to build up their muscles and keep them healthy. To play fetch, you will need a ball or another toy that your dog can chase after. You can start by throwing the ball a short distance and then gradually increase the distance as your dog gets better at chasing it. Your dog will need to learn how to bring the ball back to you. To do this, you can give them a treat when they bring the ball back to you. You can also praise them and give them lots of love and attention.
16.Play dead
The "play dead" command is a great way to get your dog to lie down and stay in one spot. To teach your dog this command, start by having them lie down. Then, say the command "play dead" in a firm voice. As you say the command, gesture for your dog to roll onto their back. Once they are lying on their back, give them a treat and praise them. Repeat this process until your dog is responding consistently to the command.
The "speak" command helps to train your dog to bark on cue. This can be useful in many situations, such as when you want your dog to alert you to someone's presence. To teach your dog the "speak" command, start by getting their attention with a treat or toy. Once they are paying attention to you, say the word "speak" in a clear voice. When they bark, immediately give them the treat or toy. Repeat this process until they respond consistently when you give the command.
18.Roll over
This command is used to get your dog to roll over onto their back. To train your dog to roll over, start by having them lie down on their stomach. Then, hold a treat near their head and say the command "roll over." Slowly move the treat towards their shoulder, and they should follow the treat with their nose. Once they reach the shoulder, their body should start to follow and they should roll over onto their back. Be sure to give them the treat as soon as they complete the command. With enough practice, your dog will learn to roll over on command.
19.Left/ Right
This command will help them learn which direction they should go when you give them a command. You can easily train your doggo to move left or right on command when taking them on walks. Every time they move in the direction you command they get rewarded a treat. Moving left or right helps you protect your doggo when in crowded places like busy streets and markets.
This command is used to tell your dog to protect you or your property. This is an advanced command that should only be used if your dog has been properly trained. Make sure you shower your doggo with plenty of adult training treats for guarding your property.
It’s important to start teaching your dog commands as early as possible. Not only will this make your life easier, but it will also help keep them safe. Dogs that know basic commands are less likely to run into traffic or get lost. As your dog masters the basics, you can move on to more advanced commands. Once you have a well-trained dog, you’ll be able to enjoy all the benefits that come with owning a pet. Make sure your training sessions with your fur baby deliver excellent results by treating them to delicious vegan dog treats from Dogsee.
Also check out Lexi doing her cute trick on our Instagram!

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