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How To Potty Train Your Puppy In A Week


3 min Read

February 16, 2022 | Training & Behaviour

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Potty Training Your Puppy

Puppies are little bundles of cuteness that bring happiness to any household. Integrating a new member into the household requires proper training in every aspect. The most important one is house training, or potty training. House training your puppy is about consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement using Mini Pops. The goal is to instill good habits and build a loving bond with your pet. Proper management and monitoring is essential for a successful house training session. Make sure he or she is continually controlled or supervised until your puppy is completely house trained.

Use this one-week guide to learn how to potty train a puppy. Keep in mind that thoroughly housebreaking your puppy can take four to six months of consistency and patience. However, in just seven days, you may lay the groundwork and witness major changes with these potty training tips.

When Should You Begin?

The ideal and best time to start potty training dogs is between 12 and 16 weeks. By that age, your dog should have enough control over his bladder and bowel motions to "hold it" when necessary.

Steps To Potty Train Your Puppy

Steps To Potty Train Your Puppy

It is important to properly monitor and train your puppy, as values and habits instilled at such an early age last a lifetime. The key to successful potty training is Consistency, Positive Reinforcement, and Clear Direction. However, every dog and every dog parent is unique, so it is critical to choose a schedule that is appropriate for the situation.

Fix A Regular Feeding Schedule

Puppies are to be fed at least four small meals a day. It is important to schedule their meal times and follow them religiously. Place no restriction on water intake and give them plenty of water to quench their thirst.

Take Them On Frequent Bathroom Breaks

Take Them On Frequent Bathroom Breaks

Start your puppy’s day with a bathroom break and continue doing this every 30 minutes. Always take them to the same place to eliminate, as the scent will prompt them to revisit and make it a habit.

Use A House Crate

In the short run, a crate can be an excellent choice for house training your puppy. You'll be able to keep an eye on them for signs that they need to go and educate them to hold it until you open the container and let them out. Whining, circling, sniffing, and barking are all indicators that your puppy has to go potty.

Also read: How to Prepare Your Home for a New Puppy

Let Accidents Happen, But Never Yell At Them

Dogs, unlike humans, have no ability to communicate their urge to pee, and there can be a high chance of your puppy wetting the bed or the hall. Please do not scold your puppy for accidents. Instead, just clean up the mess and let him know that it is something frowned upon.

Motivate Him Using Treats

dog training treats

Once your puppy finishes, make it a habit to reward him for good behavior with delicious dog training treats. In that way, your dog will see potty training as a means to positive results. Wait until the puppy has finished pottying before proceeding to reward him. You don't want to disturb the puppy and force them to finish their business indoors!


Follow the above guide consistently to exactly know how to potty train a puppy and notice the amazing and shocking results for yourself

Give yourself a week or two off from work to dedicate to your dog. The younger your puppy is, the easier and faster it will be for them to catch up on their developmental schedule and avoid losses.Every day you put it off, though, makes it more difficult.

A happy dog is a healthy dog. This Instagram post proves it all!

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