Any closely monitored physical activity is good for your dog and can be a great way to strengthen your bond. One such activity is playing Tug of War. Playing ‘tug of war' with your dog can go wrong if you have not set some ground rules. These rules and boundaries can help you in training your dog to be more obedient and control their behaviour. These boundaries will also bust the myth: tug of war makes dogs aggressive. Any closely monitored physical activity is good for your dog and can be a great way to strengthen your bond. One such activity is playing Tug of War.
Playing ‘tug of war' with your dog can go wrong if you have not set some ground rules.
These rules and boundaries can help you in training your dog to be more obedient and control their behaviour. These boundaries will also bust the myth: tug of war makes dogs aggressive.
The Tug of War Training:
Every game needs to have rules and boundaries, here are the few things to keep in mind while playing tug of war with your little furball.
Always Initiate First:
It is very important that you initiate the game and not vice versa. If you want your dog to have an obedient behaviour and enjoy the game at the same time then you should be the one who decides when the game is played. Always stop as soon as you get in contact with their teeth and make them understand that you are hurt. After a few rounds, they will develop the habit to stop as soon as their teeth touch you and then you can start the game all over again.
Release Command:
Make sure that you have control over the game at all times and your dog has mastered the release command - your dog should drop the toy easily whenever necessary and only at your command. This helps in training dogs to be more obedient and alert about their surroundings even while playing the game. You can use dog training treats once the dog has dropped the toy on hearing the release command as a reward.
Gentle Pulling:
No matter how strong your puppy or dog is, there should always be gentle pulling. Tug of war should be played as a fun and enjoyable game and it should not lead to your dog mistrusting you. If you are pulling gently then the dog knows that it is just a casual play and you are not trying to take their precious toy away.
A Toy Only for Such Activity:
It can also be helpful to have a specially designated toy for tug of war. It should be durable and flexible. Your dog should be comfortable holding the toy in their mouth in order to enjoy playing tug of war, the toy should not be sharp or have any sharp edges. Many dog parents use a tug of war rope as a toy for the game.
Take Breaks:
Just like us dogs also need breaks to catch a breath and relax. Taking breaks helps dogs relax, especially in the case of hyperactive dogs or if you notice growling, and prevents them from over-exertion. Breaks will also help you in setting a time limit for the play.

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