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Why You Should Always Choose Natural Food for Your Dog


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May 26, 2020 | Nutrition

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Why You Should Always Choose Natural Food for Your Dog

It is a well known fact that a natural and healthy diet plays a major role in the well-being of our body. Over time, people who have made the switch to opt for natural foods have experienced long term benefits like increased energy, stronger immunity and healthy hair and skin. With such benefits, pet parents have always wondered whether natural food can bring the same health benefits to their doggos?

The answer is yes

If you’re thinking why that is the case, then consider how unnatural foods are made. Ingredients like artificial colours, preservatives, added flavours and fillers are used to make dog food and treats look attractive and tasty. But these unnatural components also make it extremely unhealthy and lead to health issues like increased number of bowel movements, heart stroke, increase in blood sugar levels and many more.

When we say natural, it means anything that has been made without the use of any artificial pesticides, fertilizers and chemicals. They have no fillers and contain ingredients that are rich in antioxidants with loaded health benefits, which makes it the best choice when choosing dog treats or food for our furry friends.

As a pet parent, we always want our pets to be healthy, active and happy. So keeping that in mind, here are a few benefits of choosing natural food for your doggo -

Easily Digestible

Natural dog foods have high sources of protein and no artificial substances, which makes it easily digestible. It has no bulk fillers, so your pooch gets only wholesome nourishment to remain active. With a natural diet, your pooch is more likely to have predictable and proper bowel movements. Natural food also tastes better than other products.

Even when you’re choosing treats, natural and healthy dog treats with minimum ingredients are the best option as they go easy on the stomach and provide the required nutrients. Dogsee’s puppy treats and other dog training treats are completely natural, easily digestible, grain and gluten free treats to ensure your pooch trains healthier.

natural dog foods

Healthy and Longer Lifespan

By providing the best quality natural food, your dog’s health gets a nutritive boost and an increased immunity level. Natural foods like fruits and vegetables provide a great amount of energy with less fat to your furballs. It has been noticed that good quality food can increase their lifespan as much as 3 years or more. Moreover, your doggo can also stay young and active for an above average length of time.

Reduction in Allergies and Skin Ailments

When our pet suffers from an allergy, we tend to use sprays and available medications and if nothing works, a visit to the vet becomes mandatory. What you need to know is dogs can also get allergies by consuming processed foods because of artificial colours and chemicals present in it. If this is the root of the problem, no matter how many times you visit the vet, the condition will persist unless your doggo switches to a natural diet.

Natural foods are chemical-free products which reduces the chances of your pooch developing allergies through food. Moreover, if they get allergic due to some other reason, natural products help them combat it. Usually, toxic pesticides present in the food leads to allergy in dogs but going natural will enhance your dog's immunity to build resistance against any kind of allergies.

Weight Control

Being overweight leads to several health issues like joint problems, diabetes and even organ failure. Overweight is also the main problem in the growth and development of your pup, as they tend to consume way more than older dogs. Feeding them natural food and treats reduces the chances of obesity as it is more nutritional with less fillers. It completely fulfills the needs of the pet and keeps them healthy. Natural and healthy dog treats are rich in protein and nutrition that keeps your furball healthy and energetic.

dog eating treat

Natural products might be slightly on the costlier side, but when it’s about your pooch, it’s worth the price. Healthy dog treats that contain natural and human-grade ingredients like fresh fruits and vegetables, are full of nutrition and minerals. It keeps your pooch active, healthy and happy.

Choose Healthy, Choose Natural. Happy Pet Parenting!

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